Wednesday, March 18, 2009

When sumthing gonna happens

Ada bela puyu @ apa2 ikan kat rumah?
Teruskan usaha korang kerana ada baiknya.

Ini adalah berdasarkan pengalaman aku sendiri.
Ikan kat umah aku cume puyu sebab paling senang nak jaga.
Puyu ni senang nak dapat dari mane2, parit depan umah pun boleh.
Masih ingat lagi tak kejadian Acheh dilanda tsunami, Kuala Muda Kedah pon dapat tempias sekali? Ini la yang aku nak story jap lagi.

Rumah orang tua ku kat Tanjong Karang, Selangor.
Walaupun kat situ tak dilanda Tsunami, tapi sebenarnya, kami dapat rasa gegarannya.
Sebelum gegaran tu, ikan puyu kat dalam akuarium asek melompat2, berenang dengan tak tentu hala sampai air kat akuarium tu berkocak.
Aku yang tengok ni pelik jugak dan tertanya2 "pehal ikan ni?sakit ke?"

Tak sampai beberapa minit pastu, aku (mase tu duduk memeluk lutut depan tv) tibe2 terbuai2 ke kanan kiri. Aku tengok air dalam akuarium dah berkocak2, walaupun dalam keadaan terhuyung hayang, aku gagahkan diri berjalan ke pintu depan dan nak tau ape yang aku nampak? Pokok kelapa tepi, depan rumah bergoncang dengan kuat, aku terpaksa berpegang pada pintu sebab takut jatuh. Aku menjerit panggil bapak aku yang sibuk tengok ayam kat reban belakang umah (mase tu anjing liar banyak, anjing2 ni suke ngap ayam2 tu). Bapak aku terus ke depan n suh aku masuk umah. Kitorang duk diam2 sampaila gegaran tu tak terasa lagi.

Perhhh...Ini baru gegaran, aku dah cuak. Macamane keadaan orang yang dilanda Tsunami tu. Mase tu datang keinsafan dalam diri, aku bersyukur kerana Allah bagi peluang kat aku teruskan kehidupan macam biasa. Ikan puyu kat rumah sebenarnya dah bagi tau sesuatu akan berlaku, cume kami je tak berapa faham masa tu. Terima kasih kat ikan kami sebab dah ajar sesuatu. Aku yang memang suka kat ikan makin sayang kat ikan2 ni (termasukla suka makan sekali heheheh).

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Anatomy of Fish

A typical fish is torpedo-shaped, with a head containing a brain and sensory organs, a trunk with a muscular wall surrounding a cavity containing the internal organs, and a muscular post-anal tail. Most fish propel themselves through the water by weaving movements of their bodies and control their direction by means of the fins. All have skins covered with slimy glandular secretions that decrease friction with the water. In addition, nearly all have scales, which together with the secretions form a nearly waterproof coating. All fishes have a lateral line system of sensory organs for detecting pressure changes in the water.

All fishes have water-breathing organs called gills located in passages leading from the throat, or pharynx, to the exterior; a few fishes also have air-breathing lungs as an additional means of respiration. In all but the most primitive class, the gill passages are supported by skeletal structures called gill arches. Plankton-feeding fish have structures called gill rakers attached to the gill arches; these strain minute organisms from the water as it passes out of the pharynx. Fish breathe by taking water into the mouth and forcing it out through the gill passages; as the water passes over the thin-walled gills, dissolved oxygen diffuses into the gill capillaries and carbon dioxide diffuses out. The circulatory system is closed, and the heart is two-chambered; the blood is red. With few exceptions, fish are cold-blooded; that is, they cannot regulate their body temperature, which is the same as that of the environment.


  • Any of numerous cold-blooded aquatic vertebrates of the superclass Pisces, characteristically having fins, gills, and a streamlined body and including specifically

  • Any of the class Osteichthyes, having a bony skeleton.

  • Any of the class Chondrichthyes, having a cartilaginous skeleton and including the sharks, rays, and skates.

  • Most important: The flesh of such animals used as FOOD!! Yummy!!!!!!!!!!!!